Thursday, January 20, 2011

Ten Things That Make me Happy

After seeing what Nicole posted on her blog, I was inspired to write about ten things that make me happy. There are lots more, but these are some of the biggies.

10. knitting
9. coffee (I'll take it up again after the baby's born)
8. socks!
7. 7 for All Mankind jeans

6. heels. enough said.
5. lazy mornings
4. de-luscious foods, like the fish tacos we had today. Mmmm
3. our baby (this is about what he or she looks like right now) :-)
2. his love
1. His love


joshthecollegekid said...

wow....going straight from single to married with kids.....

i can never do that...

Willie'sGurl said...

Awww I love your list. such a great one .... and your braver than I am.I drink coffee about once or twice a week... I gave it up for the most part... just couldn't part with it all the way.... lol :)

Hannah said...

Well, I was sure I would keep drinking the "safe" 4-8 oz. a day, but I've completely lost my taste for it! It's sort of sad....but best in the long run.